Hello, my friends. It's been a really long time.
I haven't been part of a bird forum for years now; TalkCockatiels is what it is, not for me anymore.
I have been posting very sporadically on Avian Avenue, but my heart is not in it.
2022 has been a terrible year for my flock; one month I had 7 boys, and in a couple of months' time I lost 6, Rocky in an accident and the others for old age. It was traumatic to lose them all in the space of a few weeks.
Bubu left us the year before.
Sam was the only one remaining, and he was truly letting himself die, so we got him a new companion, Freddie. It's so weird to have so few, for many months the house was so silent ... I would take more rescues, but I am older as well, and taking care of so many is not that easy anymore
If someone is still around, let me know: How are your flocks? How are you?
Big hugs to everybody
PS This place has still the best smilies