In the UK right now we are having issues with bird flu again. Obviously all of my birds are outside so that makes things quite awkward and difficult for me. Not just that though, but I've had to stop flying my hawk so he's now just loose in his aviary retired until further notice. It really sucks when you have put so much effort in! We are right in the middle of falconry season now, rabbits have all grown up etc. and I can't even get out there with him. I'm not bothered about the hunting aspect as I fly all year round but I would have loved to have had the opportunity to get him out daily still. He's 13-14 this year so I don't want to risk any potential issues and I think for his own safety it's for the best. A lot of people are still flying their birds but I'd rather be responsible and put my own ego and needs to one side for his well being
Needed to vent because it's making me very miserable