tielfan wrote:
With cockatiels, incubation doesn't always start when you think it did. Sometimes they spend the first few days just sitting in the nest guarding the eggs, not actually incubating them.
Weather makes a difference too. Cooler temperatures will slow down the development of the embryo and make the incubation period longer. Your birds are outdoors so early-spring eggs will probably take longer to hatch than those from a warmer time of year. My birds are indoors, but I don't try to keep the temperature constant all year long. I don't let it get too hot or too cold, but the house is cooler during the cold parts of the year than it is during the hot season. I let the birds start a little earlier than usual this year so that might slow down the hatch time a little.
I'm still worried about the 3 eggs left in stattlers nestbox. They do seem to get some attention (as they move around when I check the nestboxes) One egg is left alone (or at least that's how it looks like) and 2 of them get some attention but usually feel colder to the touch then the eggs I know get propper 'incubation-attention'. I'm not going to interfere any more and leave the eggs be. At this point I'm like
whatever happens, happens